Sunday, September 29, 2013

Game Over! Retry? Podcast: Episode 20 - Returning to our Homeworld

I think I'm a week late to this, but since the last week's episode isn't up yet, this is still "timely".  Enjoy,

iTunes Subscribe:!-retry/id653554634
Episode 20 WOOOOO! This week, Harold revisits Lumines with Electronic Symphony, Jon lightly gripes about Payday 2′s updated economy, and we both get deep (like deep space deep) about bringing back Homeworld. We make attempts to conceptualize controlling a strategy game in three dimensional freespace, and end up biting off more than we can chew. We eventually get to the larger problem of axes of control with limited inputs. It gets hairy.
Games Referenced This Episode:
  • Forza Motorsports 4
  • Lumines: Electronic Symphony
  • Payday 2
  • Call of Duty (Series)
  • Homeworld
  • Freelancer
  • Terminal Velocity

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Game Over! Retry? Podcast: Episode 19 - Rolling Start: Good Game Hunting

With Jason out of the picture this week, I was free to talk about whatever I want, but then we did this...

iTunes Subscribe:!-retry/id653554634
Harold gives Jon a gift … his Essentials Edition of Forza Motorsports 4. We discuss the nature of change for change’s sake with the upcoming PS Vita and 2DS hardware revamps. And when it comes down to the Rolling Start, we roll Hunting, Driving, Physics, … and Real-Time Strategy. Harold applies his love of weight transfer to an animal-driving game, and Jon mixes in a little line-driving approach. We come up with a fairly decent base concept, but end up putting it all on hold for Harold’s epic idea: People of Walmart: The Game.
Games Referenced This Episode:
  • Forza Motorsports 4
  • Little Deviants
  • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
  • Trine 2
  • Motorstorm (Series)
  • Assassin’s Creed (Series)
  • Donkey Kong Racing
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Bushido Blade
  • Fight Night 3
  • Wipeout
  • People of Walmart
...wait, People of Walmart isn't actually a game yet, is it?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Game Over! Retry? Podcast: Episode 18 - Range of Motion

I would have preferred calling this Rage in Motion, but yes, this "week", we talk about a bunch of motion based stuff...

iTunes Subscribe:!-retry/id653554634
Sorry about last week. We had issues with … quality.
THIS week is much better though. Jason Wilson is making himself a regular as he joins us once again to shoot the breeze. Harold tells us what he loved about Playstation Move’s The Fight (Danny Trejo), and that sends us down a rabbit hole talking about Motion Controls, and how they’re currently implemented into games. We tangent off into simplicity of input, but depth of gameplay with Divekick, describe absurd arcade dancing game moments, and Jon tries to describe Rymdkapsel to the best of his ability. Oh, and this week, we started drinking and podcasting.
Games Referenced This Episode:
  • The Fight 
  • Wii Sports Boxing
  • Divekick
  • Just Dance
  • Dance Central
  • NFS Most Wanted (Vita)
  • Kinect Joyride
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Dance Dance Revolution
  • Para Para Paradise
  • Rymdkapsel
  • Tetris
  • DDR on Crutches
As usual, send feedback, complaints, and all other random messages if you liked it.