Sunday, October 27, 2013

Game Over! Retry? Podcast: Episode 21 - Copy Cat Killers

Wow, I'm so late on reposting these.  Life has gotten too busy, I hope you've figured the drill by now and was downloading these directly from the RSS/iTunes!

iTunes Subscribe:!-retry/id653554634
How many times have you played a game and threw down your controller in disgust, thinking “This is just a clone of X”? This week, Harold and Jon wax about the difference between inspiration and just plain copying. We make comparisons between Playstation All Stars and Super Smash Brothers, why one is more successful than the other, and run through some of the major differences between Dead Space and Resident Evil. Of course, we also talk briefly about our impressions of GTA5, Harold wishes he was a puppeteer, and Jon tries to escape a Cave of repetition.
Have I gotten further in GTA5 since then? A bit.  Puppeteer? Not at all! :(

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